The B.B.R. Recommends, Part 2

The B.B.R. recommends… the Art and Theology blog (, by writer and editor Victoria Emily Jones. The stated mission of this blog is “to help the church rediscover its rich
heritage in the visual, literary, and musical arts and to open it up to the activity of contemporary artists, whose giftings can enable us to see God in new and different ways.” Jones does this by highlighting Christian-themed work, much of it done by artists who are believers themselves. The site has a great multimedia feel, and Jones particularly emphasizes visual art, music, and writing, although other arts such as film are occasionally discussed. For me, and I am sure for other readers as well, the blog is a reminder that devout belief need not conflict with the production of good and great art.

I hope to add links to some of our favorite stories on the blog to this story in the future.