Bus Trip

This past March, I went to a family wedding in Tucson with my wife and son.  We flew to Arizona from our home in Maryland on the way out, but I wanted to do something different for the way back, so I took the bus the whole way back, a journey of about 2,000 miles.  I have to say that this was quite an experience!  I met some fascinating characters.  The two most memorable ones were a man from central Mexico who was traveling from his home all the way to the Washington area for work with several friends, and a professional long-distance car driver on his way home, who had some hilarious stories.  I also saw quite a lot of territory I hadn’t seen before, especially in southern New Mexico, west Texas, and parts of the South.

All that said, the best experience of the trip was west of El Paso, where I had switched buses.  I had the luck of passing through the hills of West Texas as the Sun was setting, and seeing the hills in the sunset light was an amazing revelation.  I am planning to make this sight into the Texas chapter of the book.