
I’m Tony Porco, and this blog is focused on my upcoming book, Out West Writings.  I am self-publishing it, and I am planning to have it ready for purchase in the next year.  The book will be a compilation of essays about my travels in the American West, organized by state.

I have been inspired by many Western writers, but John Muir and John Wesley Powell are  my favorites.  (I am not claiming to write as well as they do; I am only saying that their writing influences me.)   I am planning to include illustrations by artist friends of mine.  The intended audience for the book includes real and armchair travelers, environmentalists, and anyone who enjoys good, evocative writing.

I will be posting samples, and links to parts of the book that have already been published online, on this blog.  Feel free to email me at outwestwriter [at] fastmail [dot] fm.  Thank you very much for your interest!