Bollman Bridge Review Issue #5 Released!

I have great news (although once again it’s belated): issue #5 of the B.B.R., as we affectionately call it, is on the streets! This issue includes work by poets Raymond Luczak and Karol Nielsen, along with many others. I began working as a visual artist all the way back in 1989, and a drawing of mine from that period is included on the address page (depicting an Ethiopian cross from the National Museum of African Art). As a preview, here is the image.

Please feel free to check it out! A single issue is normally $5, but I’ll send one for $4 to anyone who mentions seeing this blog post. The outwestwriter (at) fastmail (dot) fm address is still the best place to get in touch with me about the B.B.R. or any other issue. As a reminder, we are always happy to get submissions from any writer. Full guidelines are available on the B.B.R. page. Thanks for your interest!